
Japanese slang that represents the SNS era

It’s been quite a while since the advent of SNS. It’s widespread in the world, which helps us to communicate online more effortlessly. However, issues do occur whenever something new comes […]

Unboxing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Acrylic Art board!

The long-awaited acrylic board finally arrived a few days ago. The board is a meet-up for the characters designed by Masatsugu Saito. Only for My Nintendo store, it’s a limited offer and current […]

ゼノブレイド2 高精細アクリルアートボード レビュー

先日ようやく届きましたこちらのアクリルボード。こういうキャラクターのmeet-up(集合絵)って良いものですよね。早い人は1月にはもう手に入れていたようです。 閲覧注意!この投稿には一部ネタバレ要素が含まれております。